Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


The Silbers family is a Jewish family residing mainly in the district of Aegheria. They have lived in the region for many decades and are an important part of the Jewish community, participating in various charitable and volunteering activities. They primarily work as farmers and butchers and, most notably, run a kosher butchery in the city of Lutheria.  


The Silbers family crest features a blue and white shield with a gold star located in the upper right corner. It is believed that the star originally represented the five-pointed Star of David, although it has undergone some changes over time.  

Family tree


Family members

by Zev Chafer
January 2, 1768 - January 1853
David Silbers was born on January 2, 1768, at his parents' shop called Silbers butchery, a cosher butcher in the city of Lutheria. He started working in the shop around twelve years old, doing all kinds of chores and helping his father run the butchery. As he got older, he took over more tasks from his father, starting with handling the customers and later doing the preparations and cooking. After his father passed away, David inherited the shop and continued to run it in his example.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 20, 1820
Elsbeth Silbers was born on April 20, 1820 as the second child of David and Lena Silbers in a small apartment above her father's butchery in Lutheria. Elsbeth and her family are Jewish and one of the few Jewish families in the area, with their Shul being in the city of Lutheria. As Elsbeth is the second child, she had more freedom in choosing her life than her older brother Joël, who was destined to take over the family business. From a young age, Elsbeth had an interest in becoming a nurse, but there was, unfortunately, not enough money to pay the tuition. Instead, Elsbeth offered to volunteer at the hospital in Lutheria, where she mainly assisted in caring for the elderly and long-term patients, many of whom were part of the Jewish community. Additionally, she helped those in need by collecting food and clothing for the less fortunate.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 11, 1789
Esther Muller was born on November 5, 1820, in a small Prussian town near the Luxembourg border. Her parents are Jacob Muller and Sara Aron, and they are both Jewish. When Esther was only five years old, her mother died suddenly, without any trace of a preexisting illness. The cause of her death remains unknown to this day. Esther's father became a shell of himself, becoming a quiet and reclusive individual. His only goal in life was to bring up his daughter and give her the life she deserved.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 23, 1817
Joël Silbers was born on January 23, 1817, as the long-awaited son of David and Lena Silbers. He was born in a small apartment above his father's Silbers butchery in the city of Lutheria. Joël was brought up Jewish in one of the few Jewish families in the region, with their Shul being in the city of Lutheria. As the eldest child, Joël is destined to take over the business after his father's passing.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
June 10, 1780 - December 28, 1856
Lena was born in a small village outside of the Kilden area in the Netherlands on June 10, 1780. Her father worked at the post office, and her mother cared for the children. In her twenties, she met David Silbers at a protest for the Patriots. They started talking, and David invited her for a hot drink. They turned out to be a good match and began to see each other more often. They got married on May 5, 1805, and Lena moved in with him to a small apartment above his butchery, along with his elderly mother. Lena started working in the butchery, mainly at the front desk serving customers.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
November 8, 1853
Louise Silbers was born on November 8, 1853, as the daughter of Joël Silbers and Esther Muller in a small apartment above Joël's butcher shop in the city of Lutheria. Her birth marked a turning point in the relationship of her parents, who, unfortunately, had a forced marriage. However, caring for her brought the couple closer together. With Joël owning a successful butchery, the family is able to live a comfortable life, and Esther is one of the few fortunate children to attend school, which she loves.


Silbers butchery is a kosher butcher located in the city of Lutheria. It is run by the Silbers family and is currently owned by Joël Silbers. The Silbers are a Jewish family that specializes in traditional specialities and general products. The shop is visited by all kinds of locals but primarily serves the Jewish community in the region.



Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)
Character flag image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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