Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


The Lutz family is primarily composed of farmers who reside in the Vöhren district of Kilden. Most members either currently live or have previously lived on the Lutz estate, a small farmhouse where they breed cattle and grow crops, lately mainly known for linen production. The property has been owned by the family for generations, and it is typically inherited by the eldest (male) child. Family members usually continue working on the estate until they reach old age and often remain there until they pass away. Female members are traditionally expected to marry and start their own families within the region. The majority of farmers in the area face challenges in making a living, but they persist in working hard to maintain their farms out of pride and respect for their long-standing traditions, even at personal cost.    


The Lutz family crest is divided in half, with one side being red and the other white. In the middle is a golden scythe representing farming, flanked by two golden wheat stems. A golden bee also appears, symbolizing a fruitful year and good fortune. Overall, the crest represents the importance of agriculture and the hope for a bountiful harvest.  

Family Tree



Lutz family
Lutz family by Zev Chafer (original art)

Family members

by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 11, 1789
Antonius Lutz was born on February 11, 1789, on the Lutz Family estate in the district of Vöhren. He was born into a family of farmers that had owned the estate for many centuries, growing diverse crops and keeping cattle. From a very young age, he had to lend a hand with farm work, first caring for the smaller animals and helping with the harvest, and later doing the heavier labor work. There was no money for school, except for Sunday School at church.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
March 30, 1853
Arendt Lutz was born on March 30, 1853 as the second child of Bernardus Lutz and Helena Hahn at the Lutz family estate in the district of Vöhren. His older brother is Theo Lutz. Unlike Theo's difficult birth, Helena's pregnancy with Arendt went very smoothly and without any complications.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 8, 1822
Bernardus Theodorus Lutz, known as Bernd or Bernard, was born on February 8, 1822, as the first child of Antonius Lutz and Josephina Lutz-Vos at Lutz Farm in Vöhren. Josephina and Antonius had been trying to conceive for a long time and were overjoyed when Bernardus was finally born. This was not only a blessing for the family but also meant that they had an heir to the estate.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
August 12, 1831
Helena Hahn was born on August 12, 1831, in Prussia. Her father was a farmer, but her mother's occupation is unknown. Tragically, they both passed away when she was only one year old due to a Cholera outbreak, also known as the The Asiatic Cholera Pandemic, that spread from India to Russia and the rest of Europe. Helena miraculously survived and was taken into the care of a group of nuns in Prussia. She grew up inside the walls of a convent, dedicating most of her first years of life to religion.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 27, 1790
Josephina Vos was born on April 27, 1790, in Lutheria as the oldest and only child. Her parents owned a small clothing & repair shop in the city of Lutheria, which focused on everyday clothes and Sunday clothes. They also offered a repair service for all kinds of fabrics, except heavy materials like leather. Josephina grew up in the shop, mostly entertaining customers and helping her parents with simple repairs and needlework. As she grew older, Josephina started handling the desk and doing fittings. Meanwhile, she learned the trade from her parents. It became apparent that she had a keen eye for business and was sensitive to trends.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
May 5, 1828
Lisa Lutz was born on May 5, 1828, as the second child of Antonius Lutz and Josephina Vos on the Lutz estate in the district of Vöhren. She has one older brother named Bernardus Lutz, who was present at her birth. She grew up like many others in the countryside, spending most of her time on the farm. There was not enough money for school, and the children were expected to help on the farm with small tasks and the harvest. There was only Sunday school in church, which focused mainly on reading and studying religion. Lisa loved her youth on the farm. She wanted to help her father with all kinds of chores, even if they were too heavy for her. She had a deep, almost spiritual connection with the animals and dreamed of having a farm of her own one day.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
May 1, 1850
Theodorus Lutz, also known as Theo, was born on May 1, 1850, as the first child of Bernardus Lutz and Helena Hahn, at the Lutz family estate. Helena had a challenging pregnancy, suffering from extreme fatigue, sickness, and stress before and after the birth. However, she still found the energy to care for her first child. Theo proved to be a strong baby and grew up fast.


by Zev Chafer (original art)
March 30, 1863
Zev is the pet of Arendt Lutz. He is a purebred Australian Shepherd and was born as the youngest of the litter on March 30, 1863 (on the birthday of Arendt). While his siblings were all adopted and went to homes in Prussia, Zev remained in Kilden to be adopted by the Lutz family as a birthday present for Arendt Lutz. Arendt had to wait for a few weeks before he was able to pick Zev up since he was still too young to be adopted. The two developed a strong and inseparable relationship. Arendt takes his dog with him on his adventures and Zev is often his sole companion. Zev sleeps on his bed in his bedroom, and the two even have lunch together during work.


by Zev Chafer (original art)
Lutz Farm is a small farm situated in the Denron neighbourhood of the Vöhren district. The Lutz family has owned and run the farm for centuries. They cultivate a range of crops, including rye, buckwheat, and flax. The Rye and Buckwheat that are grown on the farm are used partly for personal use, but mainly sold to locals. The flax produced on the farm is processed into linen fabric, which is then traded with Boutique Vos. Along with crops, Lutz farm also has cattle that provide milk and meat. Some of the cattle are sold to locals as well.



Cover image: Lutz family by Zev Chafer (original art)
Character flag image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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