Region of Kilden

by Zev Chafer (original art)
The Region of Kilden
The Region of Kilden is a rural area stretching across parts of the Kingdoms of the Netherlands, Prussia and the former Kingdom of Hanover (annexed in 1866). It is known to be established by local tribes in the area that formed an alliance or collaboration to share knowledge, land and resources. The exact borders are unknown, but archaeological research found land defences (land wehrs) on the location of the current outer borders that could have marked the area of the region. Also, boundary stones (marked stones) have been found.
The District of Vöhren
The Neighbourhood of Denron
The Neighbourhood of Walden
The Neighbourhood of Roven (coming soon)
The District of Aegheria
The City of Lutheria
The Neighbourhood Wingchere Abbey
The Neighbourhood Loor
The Neighbourhood Elfter Park
The Neighbourhood Warg's End
The Neighbourhood Monk's Court
The Neighbourhood Hillgate Cross (coming soon)
The Neighbourhood Hols Dock
The City of Alden (coming soon)
The District of Velther (coming soon)
The Town of Bredell (coming soon)
The District of Lohnia (coming soon)
Amt Beltháer (coming soon)
The District of Gilden (coming soon)
The Town of Aldebar (coming soon)
The District of Urwal (coming soon)
The City of Belthem (coming soon)
The District of Brech (coming soon)
Amt Chronáer (coming soon)
The City of Chrönon (coming soon)
The region sits atop a large moraine formed during the Saalian period. Glacial ice pushed up the soil, creating wrinkles in the surface and forming a ridge that runs from north to south. This process exposed soil like clay and loess, making the area very fertile. Rivers, such as the Kild, found their way along the ridge's flanks and are still present today. The result is a fertile, hilly countryside with springs and rivers, very suitable for people to live in. According to archaeological finds, the first inhabitants of the area were hunters and gatherers, living off the woods and plains. Around 4300 BC, these people began to create settlements with the introduction of farming. This meant they no longer had to move to other places and could remain in the area. These small settlements were mostly inhabited by one or a small group of families, that lived both off their land and the surrounding forests.History
Most of what we know about the early history of Kilden comes from archaeological research. We don't have much information about who these people were, their habits, cultures, or how they lived. Information was rarely recorded and was often passed down orally. However, we can still provide an overview of their history. After the hunters and gatherers settled in the area, they formed settlements with several houses, either around or surrounded by land they owned separately or cultivated together. Some families formed tribes that lived and worked together. From these tribes, the Region of Kilden may have originated. These tribes grew larger, were defeated, or were absorbed into other tribes and later into entire kingdoms, such as the Salian Franks, the Saxons, and Francia. Below is an overview of these periods:- Primal Germanic Tribes
- The Salian Franks
- The Saxons
- The Frankish Kingdom
- The Holy Roman Empire
- The Republics
- The French Kingdom
- Independent Kingdoms (Kingdom of Holland, Prussia and Hanover)
The Feudal System
When the first settlements arose, small groups of people lived together, worked on shared land, and helped each other when needed. The concept of owning something and allowing others to use it in exchange for something else didn't exist yet. However, as settlements grew and relationships became more complex, new information systems emerged. People could own land and allow others to live or work on it in exchange for a piece of the profit (like the harvest) or money. This led to the creation of the Feudal System. In short, the Feudal System involves structuring society around land ownership in exchange for services or labour. One person or family typically owns the land, and the people there provide services and labour in exchange for the right to live on the land and use the common areas. They may also pay taxes. In some cases, the land is owned by a group of people who each have a share and can use the common areas based on their ownership. The more shares a person owns, the more influence this person has and the higher the share in the common land, such as from grazing their animals, collecting wood or mining peat. With this, people with more shares got a higher status, while people with no shares were looked down upon. They had to work hard for little gains and there was a large gap between rich and small. This system was used for centuries until revolutionary ideas from France caused it to falter and even be abolished. However, in the region of Kilden and other rural areas, the system still persists.Division of land
The feudal system and the shift from shared land to separate kingdoms greatly impacted land division. Originally, the region was a single area divided into neighbourhoods where different families lived. Now, it is split into (1) Amts, (2) districts, and (3) neighbourhoods. The Amts emerged when the Frankish Kingdom divided the land into two parts, establishing the current border between the Kingdoms of the Netherlands and Prussia/Hanover. The land of present-day Prussia was further divided during the Holy Roman Empire, eventually forming the separate kingdoms of Prussia and Hanover. When in 1866 Hanover was annexed, the lands were brought under one rule again, but the division into Amts remained. And as the population grew, the need for a more decentralized government led to the division of Amts into several districts, and these districts into several neighbourhoods, some of which trace their origins back to the Germanic tribes. Below is a list of the current Amts, Districts and Neighbourhoods. Amt AldáerThe District of Vöhren
The Neighbourhood of Denron
The Neighbourhood of Walden
The Neighbourhood of Roven (coming soon)
The District of Aegheria
The City of Lutheria
The Neighbourhood Wingchere Abbey
The Neighbourhood Loor
The Neighbourhood Elfter Park
The Neighbourhood Warg's End
The Neighbourhood Monk's Court
The Neighbourhood Hillgate Cross (coming soon)
The Neighbourhood Hols Dock
The City of Alden (coming soon)
The District of Velther (coming soon)
The Town of Bredell (coming soon)
The District of Lohnia (coming soon)
Amt Beltháer (coming soon)
The District of Gilden (coming soon)
The Town of Aldebar (coming soon)
The District of Urwal (coming soon)
The City of Belthem (coming soon)
The District of Brech (coming soon)
Amt Chronáer (coming soon)
The City of Chrönon (coming soon)