Hols Dock

by Zev Chafer (original art)
by Zev Chafer (original art)
Hols Dock
City of Lutheria
District of Aegheria
Amt of Aldáer
Region of Kilden
There are places I have never been...
Hols Dock
Hols Dock is a neighbourhood located in the city of Lutheria. It is situated outside the city walls near the source of the river Holle. The neighbourhood consists of a small port. Since the river often has a low water level, only boats with a flat bottom, like the ""Zomp"", were used. They often carried supplies from other farms in the region. The port also contains boats for recreational use. With the arrival of the new railway, transport via the port became less popular almost overnight, leaving the port in disrepair. Currently, funds are collected to repair the port, since it is the first neighbourhood people see when entering Lutheria via the main gate.

by Zev Chafer (original art)


Hols Dock is located in Lutheria. The City of Lutheria is one of the main cities in the Region of Kilden and is situated along the important trade route to Belthem. It is located in the district of Aegheria but has an independent status and thus serves as a sovereign district. The city is built on a sacred hill called Scheddelsted, on which a large abbey towers above the streets, named Wingchere Abbey. Lutheria is considered a place of all religions since residents are free to practice their faith. Because of this, Lutheria has attracted all kinds of people and has become a melting pot of cultures.
by Zev Chafer (original art)

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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