

by Zev Chafer (original art)

by Zev Chafer (original art)
There are places I have never been...
Kild River
The Kild is a river that flows from north to south through the entirety of the Region. It is the most important river in the area and supplies water, power, transport, fishing, and recreation. The Region of Kilden derives its name from this river.
The Kild is allowed to meander free through the area and is even protected as an ecological monument. In some places, the river has cut deep trenches in the landscape, giving it its unique rolling character. Multiple remnants of meanders are found in the area, even large distances from the current river flow, suggesting it had several different routes in history.
The river brings unique biodiversity, especially in waterlogged areas such as Carr. Swallows, kingfishers, and storks regularly visit the slopes and plains of the Kild.

by Zev Chafer (original art)
Kild River is located in Region of Kilden. The Region of Kilden is a rural area stretching across parts of the Kingdoms of the Netherlands, Prussia and the former Kingdom of Hanover (annexed in 1866). It is known to be established by local tribes in the area that formed an alliance or collaboration to share knowledge, land and resources. The exact borders are unknown, but archaeological research found land defences (land wehrs) on the location of the current outer borders that could have marked the area of the region. Also, boundary stones (marked stones) have been found.

by Zev Chafer (original art)