Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


A farmer is a professional engaged in agriculture, cultivating crops and raising livestock to produce food and other raw materials. Their tasks vary from planting, growing, and harvesting crops such as grains, fruits, and vegetables, to breeding and caring for animals like cattle, pigs, and chickens. The farm is often both the residence and the workplace for the farmer. Their work is influenced by weather and soil conditions. Because they produce raw materials, farms are often at the beginning of the supply chain  


by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 11, 1789
Antonius Lutz was born on February 11, 1789, on the Lutz Family estate in the district of Vöhren. He was born into a family of farmers that had owned the estate for many centuries, growing diverse crops and keeping cattle. From a very young age, he had to lend a hand with farm work, first caring for the smaller animals and helping with the harvest, and later doing the heavier labor work. There was no money for school, except for Sunday School at church.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 8, 1822
Bernardus Theodorus Lutz, known as Bernd or Bernard, was born on February 8, 1822, as the first child of Antonius Lutz and Josephina Lutz-Vos at Lutz Farm in Vöhren. Josephina and Antonius had been trying to conceive for a long time and were overjoyed when Bernardus was finally born. This was not only a blessing for the family but also meant that they had an heir to the estate.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 16, 1842
Herman Hochter was born on January 16, 1842 as the first child of Samuel Hochter and Elsbeth Silbers. Despite some initial complications, he was born a healthy and cheerful boy, although a month later than anticipated. As the first child, he was expected to inherit the family farm from his father. Herman was born into a Jewish family that lived in poverty. There was no money for school and sometimes not even enough to feed the family.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 4, 1824
Johanna Voorman was born on January 4, 1824, as the daughter of an equestrian. As was tradition within the family, she was gifted a small newborn horse named Rosa. Her parents intended to train Rosa so that Johanna could ride her when she was old enough. Johanna developed a love for horses at a very young age. Even as an infant, she did not fear approaching the largest horses, sometimes even untamed ones. She developed a keen eye for their behaviour and could train even in the most difficult cases.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
May 5, 1828
Lisa Lutz was born on May 5, 1828, as the second child of Antonius Lutz and Josephina Vos on the Lutz estate in the district of Vöhren. She has one older brother named Bernardus Lutz, who was present at her birth. She grew up like many others in the countryside, spending most of her time on the farm. There was not enough money for school, and the children were expected to help on the farm with small tasks and the harvest. There was only Sunday school in church, which focused mainly on reading and studying religion. Lisa loved her youth on the farm. She wanted to help her father with all kinds of chores, even if they were too heavy for her. She had a deep, almost spiritual connection with the animals and dreamed of having a farm of her own one day.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
December 6, 1811
Samuel Hochter was born on December 6, 1811, on the Hochter farm in Vöhren. Being the first child, he was destined to inherit the farm from his father. Unfortunately, his family was living in extreme poverty at the time of his birth, and there was very little money available to provide for their basic needs.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
May 1, 1850
Theodorus Lutz, also known as Theo, was born on May 1, 1850, as the first child of Bernardus Lutz and Helena Hahn, at the Lutz family estate. Helena had a challenging pregnancy, suffering from extreme fatigue, sickness, and stress before and after the birth. However, she still found the energy to care for her first child. Theo proved to be a strong baby and grew up fast.
Food and Raw materials

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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