Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


A butcher is a professional responsible for the preparation, curing, and sale of meat and related products. This often includes the slaughtering of animals, as well as dressing, curing, trimming, deboning, and portioning of the meat. They may work with various types of meat, such as beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and game meats. They need to have knowledge about different cuts and how to prepare them in terms of cooking, seasoning, and storage. They often work in a butchery or small-scale workshop at home.   [


by Zev Chafer
January 2, 1768 - January 1853
David Silbers was born on January 2, 1768, at his parents' shop called Silbers butchery, a cosher butcher in the city of Lutheria. He started working in the shop around twelve years old, doing all kinds of chores and helping his father run the butchery. As he got older, he took over more tasks from his father, starting with handling the customers and later doing the preparations and cooking. After his father passed away, David inherited the shop and continued to run it in his example.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 23, 1817
Joël Silbers was born on January 23, 1817, as the long-awaited son of David and Lena Silbers. He was born in a small apartment above his father's Silbers butchery in the city of Lutheria. Joël was brought up Jewish in one of the few Jewish families in the region, with their Shul being in the city of Lutheria. As the eldest child, Joël is destined to take over the business after his father's passing.
Meat and related produce

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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