Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


The Walda family is a prominent and wealthy family residing in Vöhren. They own the Walden neighbourhood, which encompasses a large and functional farm named Grennsted, as well as smaller surrounding farms run by cotters. Grennsted's primary focus is breeding, keeping, and training horses. Although the family's roots can be traced back to Norway and other Nordic countries, they have been living in the area for several decades now.  


The Walda family crest is divided into four quarters, two of which are blue and the other two are white. The two white quarters feature black crossed swords and waves. The crest's origins date back to Nordic times and symbolize seafaring and crusades.  

Family tree


Family members

August 11, 1853
Claire Walda was born on August 11, 1853, as the daughter of Sjoerd Walda and Johanna Voorman at Grennsted, in the Vöhren district. Her father owns Walden estate, which includes a large farm where he bred and trained horses. The Walda family has been wealthy and influential for many years. Upon Claire's birth, she received a horse named Polly as a gift, and Polly became her closest companion, the horse that she had learned to ride on. Besides her love for horses, Claire also has a deep affection for other animals and nature. She spent most of her free time on her father's land, particularly in the Carr, a waterlogged forest near the Kild River.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 4, 1824
Johanna Voorman was born on January 4, 1824, as the daughter of an equestrian. As was tradition within the family, she was gifted a small newborn horse named Rosa. Her parents intended to train Rosa so that Johanna could ride her when she was old enough. Johanna developed a love for horses at a very young age. Even as an infant, she did not fear approaching the largest horses, sometimes even untamed ones. She developed a keen eye for their behaviour and could train even in the most difficult cases.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
December 30, 1827
Sjoerd Walda was born on December 30, 1827, at Grennsted in the district of Vöhren. He was born into a wealthy family that owned the Walden neighbourhood. The Grennsted farm had a long-standing reputation for breeding horses, and Sjoerd grew up around them. He developed a deep love and fascination for these majestic animals, spending countless hours riding, studying, and even drawing them. He adored the countryside and nature, determined to protect the lands and forests of the region.


by Zev Chafer (original art)
Walden is a neighbourhood in the southern part of the Vöhren district in Amt Aldáer. It has been owned by the Walda family for decades, with Sjoerd Walda as the current landlord. The main house on the land is the farm Grennsted, where the Walda family resides. Scattered around the area are small farms, mostly owned by cottagers or used by Grennsted labourers.



Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)
Character flag image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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