Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


A tailor specializes in making, altering, and fixing clothes to fit a client perfectly. They handle various fabrics like wool, cotton, and linen. Tailors earn money by selling the garments they create or through services like repairs. They usually rely on imported fabrics and accessories for their work. Many tailors operate from shops, factories, or even their homes.  


by Zev Chafer (original art)
August 12, 1831
Helena Hahn was born on August 12, 1831, in Prussia. Her father was a farmer, but her mother's occupation is unknown. Tragically, they both passed away when she was only one year old due to a Cholera outbreak, also known as the The Asiatic Cholera Pandemic, that spread from India to Russia and the rest of Europe. Helena miraculously survived and was taken into the care of a group of nuns in Prussia. She grew up inside the walls of a convent, dedicating most of her first years of life to religion.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 27, 1790
Josephina Vos was born on April 27, 1790, in Lutheria as the oldest and only child. Her parents owned a small clothing & repair shop in the city of Lutheria, which focused on everyday clothes and Sunday clothes. They also offered a repair service for all kinds of fabrics, except heavy materials like leather. Josephina grew up in the shop, mostly entertaining customers and helping her parents with simple repairs and needlework. As she grew older, Josephina started handling the desk and doing fittings. Meanwhile, she learned the trade from her parents. It became apparent that she had a keen eye for business and was sensitive to trends.
Garments and services

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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