Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


A priest is a religious vocation that involves leadership, guidance, and service within a religious community. Priests are often regarded as spiritual leaders who play an important role in the religious life of their community by conducting worship services, administering sacraments, and providing pastoral care.  


by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 2, 1805
Eduardus Grenn was born on April 2, 1805, in Lutheria as the son of Hans and Anne Grenn. Shortly after his birth, his mother abandoned him. She was known for having a bad temper and was often in and out of jail. His father, however, was a loving and devoted parent who raised Eduardus on his own. Hans was fond of telling imaginative stories about thrilling adventures and great triumphs, often drawing inspiration from his faith.
Religous leader

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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