Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


Aldáer is one of the three administrative units known as Amts (Litr: Láes), located in the Region of Kilden. The city of Alden, which is also the main capital, gives its name to the amt. Aldáer is further divided into several districts, including Aegheria and Vöhren. The city of Lutheria is located within Aldáer's geographical boundaries, but it is considered a separate self-contained city, and it is not subject to the management and legislation of Aldáer.   The Amt is governed from the main capital Alden, located in the northwest of the Amt. Its main (first) chamber consists of the supervisors of the districts. The lower (second) chamber of Alden consists of the supervisors of the different neighbourhoods the Districts are divided into. The Amt has governing power over its subjects but is not allowed to create any laws. This can only be done via the Region Kilden. Besides governing power, the lower court is located in the Ambt, and they have an army, called the Alden Army, which resides in the city of Alden.  


by Zev Chafer (original art)
Aegheria is a district located in the North-West of the region and consists of two major cities, namely Lutheria and Alden. Because of this, the district is of high importance and houses both a religious as a economic centre. Besides the cities, the district is primarily covered by a large forest and open rural area, mostly overseen by the two cities.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
The District of Vöhren is one of the four districts in the Amt Aldáer. The majority of this district is covered by the ancient Grenn Forest, which also forms the borders of Vöhren in the North, East, and West directions. The South Border has changed many times, but currently, it follows the old Roman Road to Belthem.
Amt Aldáer
Region of Kilden

Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


Author's Notes

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