Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


The Hochter family is one of the few Jewish families in the area. Their ancestors hailed from East Germany and Poland, and they migrated to Kilden for a better life. For many generations now, the Hochter family has been residing in the region, most working as farmers or butchers. Most notably, the Hochter farm is known for raising and trading cattle for meat production, which is primarily sold through local butchers in the area. Although they still face prejudice and hatred from locals of other religions, the situation is slowly improving, and people are becoming more respectful towards other faiths.    


The Hochter family chest is half blue and half white, with three golden five-pointed stars in the white half. Although its origins are unclear, the three golden stars are believed to represent independence.  

Family tree


Family members

September 7, 1856
David Hochter was born on September 7, 1856, on the Hochter farm as the third child of Samuel Hochter and Elsbeth Silbers. Unfortunately, his older brother Mozes Hochter passed away after complications at birth, which plunged the whole family into a period of sadness. His mother, Elsbeth, even fell into depression. When she found out she was pregnant with David, she feared that this child might also die. Elsbeth did not leave her bed, sang religious chants, and prayed that the baby would be fine. Although the stress took its toll on Elsbeth, David was born healthy and without any complications. For the first few weeks, Elsbeth did not leave his side, afraid that something might happen to him.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 20, 1820
Elsbeth Silbers was born on April 20, 1820 as the second child of David and Lena Silbers in a small apartment above her father's butchery in Lutheria. Elsbeth and her family are Jewish and one of the few Jewish families in the area, with their Shul being in the city of Lutheria. As Elsbeth is the second child, she had more freedom in choosing her life than her older brother Joël, who was destined to take over the family business. From a young age, Elsbeth had an interest in becoming a nurse, but there was, unfortunately, not enough money to pay the tuition. Instead, Elsbeth offered to volunteer at the hospital in Lutheria, where she mainly assisted in caring for the elderly and long-term patients, many of whom were part of the Jewish community. Additionally, she helped those in need by collecting food and clothing for the less fortunate.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
January 16, 1842
Herman Hochter was born on January 16, 1842 as the first child of Samuel Hochter and Elsbeth Silbers. Despite some initial complications, he was born a healthy and cheerful boy, although a month later than anticipated. As the first child, he was expected to inherit the family farm from his father. Herman was born into a Jewish family that lived in poverty. There was no money for school and sometimes not even enough to feed the family.
Zev Chafer by Zev Chafer (original art)
December 18, 1864
Lotte Hochter was born on December 18, 1864, on the Hochter farm as the fourth child of Samuel Hochter and Elsbeth Silbers. She has two older brothers, David and Herman. A few years ago, her brother Mozes died at birth, so Elsbeth was still stressed about Lotte, even though her pregnancy with David went better. Luckily, the pregnancy and birth went very well and without any complications. Lotte was born healthy. As the only girl, Elsbeth is extra protective of her.
May 12, 1845 - May 12, 1845
Mozes Hochter was born on May 12, 1845 as the second child and son of Samuel Hochter and Elsbeth Silbers on the Hochter farm. Initially, his birth went smoothly compared to that of his older brother, Herman. However, it later became apparent that the baby was breech. Two doctors rushed in to help deliver the baby. After several hours, Mozes was born, but unfortunately, he died shortly afterwards. His mother was heartbroken and fell into a long depression. She became extra protective of her family, and the death of her second child cast a long shadow over the family. The baby was posthumously named Mozes and buried at the local cemetery in Lutheria.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
December 6, 1811
Samuel Hochter was born on December 6, 1811, on the Hochter farm in Vöhren. Being the first child, he was destined to inherit the farm from his father. Unfortunately, his family was living in extreme poverty at the time of his birth, and there was very little money available to provide for their basic needs.


by Zev Chafer (original art)
The Hochter farm is a small cattle farm located in the Denron neighbourhood of the Vöhren district. It is situated near the crossroads of the Kild River and the Holle River. The property is owned by the Hochter family, who primarily engage in raising and trading cattle. They either keep the cattle on their land or buy from local farmers, then sell the cattle or the produce to others. Their primary trading partner is Silbers butchery, a kosher butcher in the city of Lutheria, which is affiliated with the Hochter-Silbers family.



Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)
Character flag image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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