Today is January 1, 1868 | Winter | 9°C


The Rothfeld family has its origins in Austria and boasts a long and illustrious military history, with most of the male members achieving high ranks. They are renowned for their excellent service to their country. The family has only recently visited or moved to the Kilden area.  


The Rothfeld family crest is divided into four quadrants, two of which are red and two are gold. The top-left quadrant features two swords intersecting each other, which could represent the family's military background. The top-right quadrant displays two crossed keys, and the bottom-right quadrant features a rose. The significance of these two symbols is not known.  

Family tree


Family members

by Zev Chafer (original art)
June 7, 1837
Aloysius Rothfeld was born on June 7, 1837 in Austria as the son of Georgius Rothfeld and Mariëtte Bruére. His birth brought great joy to the family, especially for Georgius who longed for a son. Aloysius spent his first years in a happy and stable family. However, over time, Georgius became more possessive and overprotective of his son and wife. Aloysius had to stay indoors, focusing on his studies instead of spending time with his peers, as his father wanted him to succeed. Aloysius followed his father's will, keeping his own needs to himself. When Aloysius expressed his desire to pursue a medical career, Georgius exploded and pressured his son into a military career to uphold the Rothfeld family's honour. Despite trying to stand his ground with the support of his mother, the abusive behaviour against him and his mother resulted in him relenting and pursuing the desired military career.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
February 27, 1792
Georgius Rothfeld was born on February 27, 1792, in a small village in Austria. He is the son of a First Lieutenant serving in the Austrian army, but nothing is known about his mother. Georgius looked up to his father and aspired to become a soldier himself. At sixteen years old, he joined the Austrian military forces and underwent intensive training due to the high demand for new recruits caused by the ongoing Napoleonic Wars. During his training, he witnessed many of his comrades being deployed to the front lines, never to be seen again.
by Zev Chafer (original art)
April 14, 1795
Mariëtte Bruére was born on April 14, 1795, in a small village in southern France. Mariëtte took inspiration from her mother and decided to pursue a career in nursing. She underwent training and started working at a local hospital where she was later asked to work in the field hospitals. Due to her opposition to the French government, Mariëtte began working at the hospitals of the opposition. It was there that she met a wounded soldier named Georgius Rothfeld, who expressed his interest in her. However, Mariëtte remained professional and did not entertain his advances. After completing her work, Mariëtte returned to France and did not expect Georgius to come looking for her. Initially hesitant, Mariëtte eventually agreed to have a long-distance relationship with Georgius.



Cover image: by Zev Chafer (original art)
Character flag image: by Zev Chafer (original art)


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