DarkTsuyoi Progress Report

Vavrutha Opalbraid

231 words

Malatir Opalbraid

152 words

Dorakher Blackview

128 words

Delgatin Blackview

127 words

Cinzera Ichen

237 words


198 words


129 words


419 words

Amalzar Do'ath

64 words


159 words

Waelna Myth

123 words


85 words


151 words

Ilsine Fresek

52 words

Nathraun Fresek

61 words

Bolrinyon Fresek

69 words

House Thalani

54 words

House De'ellar

109 words

Chenril De'ellar

84 words

House Shavurden

79 words

House Jabmuth

63 words

Lalue Jabmuth

68 words

House Eilsate

64 words

Akora Eilsate

110 words

House Shavar

94 words

Burza Shavar

63 words

House Barrineld

53 words

Zesaca Barrineld

110 words

House Ilrae

98 words

Aethdryn Ilrae

94 words

House Melett'cyx

139 words

House Alegar

131 words

Shyntinil Alegar

88 words

House Maegarrak

114 words

House Dalvog

117 words

Usoyss Dalvog

84 words

House Stri'ana

108 words

House Zau'urden

184 words

Shrixyra Thalani

71 words

Zaudrinios Thalani

112 words

The Barrelstock

103 words

Khaldaneth Thalani

112 words


125 words


69 words

Wan Torum

103 words

The Shields

129 words


74 words

The Web's End

82 words

The Skyfleet

127 words


99 words


62 words

Molvyrae Alegar

70 words

Common watersnake

350 words


199 words

Ibeyl Ken'lyl

148 words

Kieress Myth

89 words


53 words

DarkTsuyoi Progress so far

10056 words 100.56% completed!

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~There is no such thing as oneshot~   A DM for a group of friends, who has disproportionately large amount of different RPG campaigns and enough will but not nearly enough time to run them all.   I also occasionally write other things, like fics of my RPG characters. Those you can find in The Dark Archives.